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Submitting Tools in Arch

If you wish to submit a new pentesting tool that is not in any Arch Linux or Athena repository, this section will help you.

Pentesting tools are mainly maintained in Athena repository, so your new pentesting tools must be stored there.

Creating a package

  1. Create a PKGBUILD file containing the rules for compiling and installing mytoolname. According to the type of the tool, it can be useful to start by one of BlackArch PKGBUILD templates
    • i.e., if it is a bash tool that comes from GitHub or GitLab, you can refer to PKGBUILD-generic-git
    • copy the content of the PKGBUILD template file inside a new file named PKGBUILD created in athena/packages/pentesting/<mytoolname> folder.
  2. Fill the variable inside PKGBUILD according to the tool information. If you are new on PKGBUILD, give a look to the official Arch Linux documentation. You can check several examples in Athena repository
    • when you write information inside PKGBUILD, there are several best practices you must follow:
      • Insert disclaimer comments
      • Never put upper case in pkgname=
      • AUR packages are written bad. Change them in order to be BlackArch convention compliant
      • In groups=, insert the right Athena categories
      • Insert empty line before pkgver()
      • Add a blank line after cd $pkgname inside pkgver()
      • When something gets compiled (C, go, rust, etc.), use arch=('x86_64' 'aarch64') rather than arch=('any').
      • On SHA sums, SKIP is only for git
      • If the project use tags<owner>/<repo-name>/tags, inside of pkgver() use git describe --long --tags | sed 's/\([^-]*-g\)/r\1/;s/-/./g' instead of echo $(git rev-list --count HEAD).$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)
      • Remove useless dependencies
      • Don’t use a virtual environment (like python -m venv venv command), we use those only for very complex cases
      • Usually don’t add pip install -r requirements.txt command. It should be used only for Python virtualenv installs that we absolutely try to avoid. Instead, we need to insert those dependencies in depends= as packages
      • Add cd $pkgname as first line in package()
      • Use $variable and not ${variable}
      • For Python Setup template, in URL insert the GitHub project URL if it exists, but, by source variable, retrieve the package from pypi website
      • Use install -dm 755 "<directory>" instead of mkdir -p (-d is used for creating directories), for example install -dm 755 "$pkgdir/usr/bin"
      • If needed, for avoiding the repetition of a path to different files, use cd <path-to-files>
      • Remove all template comments
      • Add always a new line at the end of the PKGBUILD. If you are editing the PKGBUILD by GitHub WebUI, you need to have at the end two newlines
      • Don’t just copy/paste from AUR that are often low quality PKGBUILD, it needs to be adapted to BA standards.
      • Try to do all edits related to one package in the same Pull Request: You know when you edit a file with github webui to prepare your PR (Pull Request) it basically just create a branch patch-X on your fork (i.e., here) based on BlackArch:master. So for example here, you can browse D3vil0p3r:patch-8 and create python-instagram-private-api PKGBUILD there so it will be added to the same PR rather than creating a new PR for it. One PR per tool is nice but when it’s the dependencies of the tool it’s best to have them in the same PR // * Add mytoolname to lists/to-release file in BlackArch repository
      • Create a Pull Request with title <package-name>: add package
      • For Python packages
        • even if the convention is python-<pythonpkgname>, respect that even if that makes python-python-something
        • if you have both and pyproject.toml in Python source files, use always the PKGBUILD-python-lib-PEP517 template
  3. If your tool does not come from git source, you can compute the sha512sum easily by running updpkgsums in the same folder of PKGBUILD.
  4. Test if the PKGBUILD compiles and installs the tool correctly
    • You can test your PKGBUILD in a clean sandbox by ba-dev as described here, for example:
      $ sudo pacman -S blackarch-devtools
      $ ba-dev -b
      $ ba-dev -e 'python' -p python-instagram-private-api-
      Package python-instagram-private-api- installed correctly! Testing it now...
      Python 3.10.9 (main, Dec 19 2022, 17:35:49) [GCC 12.2.0] on linux
      Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
      >>> from instagram_private_api import Client, ClientCompatPatch
      Another example here
  5. If the test works, you can also try to install the tool by this PKGBUILD directly on your system by makepkg -si command.
  6. If all is working well, go on Athena repository packages, click on Add file -> Create new file. It will ask to create a fork. Then, as filename, insert mytoolname/PKGBUILD. It will create the folder mytoolname and inside it an empty PKGBUILD folder. Inside this PKGBUILD paste the content of the working PKGBUILD tested above and commit the changes. These changes are applied on your fork. Create a Draft Pull Request when requested and name it as <package-name>: added package. /7. Then go to your forked repository and edit the file blackarch/lists/to-release by adding there the name of the tool, for example mytoolname. When you apply also these changes, your draft pull request will automatically have also this last change./
  7. Go to your draft pull request and submit it. You need to wait for Athena maintainers that will check your submission and merge your pull request.

Updating a package

If you noticed that the repository is not keeping the latest version of a tool:

  1. Access to its PKGBUILD in Athena Repository by visiting its directory by and inside it there should be a PKGBUILD file.
  2. Open it and copy its content in your local file named PKGBUILD in your computer.
  3. Change it by writing the new version information in pkgver and pkgrel variables. If you are just fixing only an error on PKGBUILD or other files in the package folder, and no new version of the tool has been released, just update the pkgrel variable by +1.
  4. From the original source webste of the tool to update, check if there are additional dependencies to consider. If so, add them in:
  • depends variable if the dependency is needed at application runtime
  • makedepends variable if the dependency is needed only at building time.
  1. If the source variable does not contain git, run updpkgsums command in your terminal in the same folder of your PKGBUILD in order to automatically calculate the hash sums. For packages sourcing by git it is not needed, indeed the hash sum must be set as SKIP.
  2. Once all the updated information is in your local PKGBUILD, you need to test it.
    • You can test your PKGBUILD in a clean sandbox by ba-dev as described here, for example:
      $ sudo pacman -S blackarch-devtools
      $ ba-dev -b
      $ ba-dev -e 'python' -p python-instagram-private-api-
      Package python-instagram-private-api- installed correctly! Testing it now...
      Python 3.10.9 (main, Dec 19 2022, 17:35:49) [GCC 12.2.0] on linux
      Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
      >>> from instagram_private_api import Client, ClientCompatPatch
      Another example here
  3. If the test works, you can also try to install the tool by this PKGBUILD directly on your system by makepkg -si command.
  4. If all is working well, go on the web page of the tool PKGBUILD in Athena repository at, click on the Pen Icon for editing the file. It will ask to create a fork. Inside this PKGBUILD paste the content of the working PKGBUILD tested above and commit the changes. These changes are applied on your fork. Create a Draft Pull Request when requested and name it as <package-name>: updated package. /7. Then go to your forked repository and edit the file blackarch/lists/to-release by adding there the name of the tool, for example mytoolname. When you apply also these changes, your draft pull request will automatically have also this last change./
  5. Go to your draft pull request and submit it. You need to wait for Athena maintainers that will check your submission and merge your pull request.