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Setting up a Mirror

In the context of Linux package management, a mirror refers to a server or repository that contains a copy of software packages and related metadata from another source, typically an official distribution server. The primary purpose of mirrors is to provide users with alternative, geographically distributed locations from which they can download software packages.


There are different mirror synchronization protocols deployed for different purposes and used for different types of content. The following definitions are not related to the protocol used to retrieve and install packages on the endpoint of the user, but they are related to the protocols used to synchronize mirrors each other.


  • Purpose: a rsync mirror is commonly used for mirroring files and directories, such as Linux distribution packages or other large datasets.
  • Setup: the rsync command is used to synchronize files between servers. A basic example is rsync -a source/ destination/.
  • Usage: rsync mirrors are often set up to regularly synchronize with the upstream source to ensure the mirror remains up to date.


  • Purpose: a Git mirror is often used for version control systems, allowing users to clone, fetch, and push changes to a repository.
  • Setup: to create a Git mirror, you can use the --mirror option with git clone. This option ensures that all remote branches and tags are mirrored.
  • Usage: users can clone from the Git mirror, and the mirror can periodically synchronize with the upstream repository using git fetch --all --prune.


  • Purpose: HTTP or HTTPS servers can serve as mirrors for distributing files, packages, or software updates.
  • Setup: configure the server to host the files, and users can download them using a web browser or tools like wget or curl.
  • Usage: users can download files by navigating to the server’s URL using a web browser. Alternatively, they can use command-line tools like wget or curl to retrieve files.


  • Purpose: FTP servers can also be used to mirror files, and users can access them using FTP clients.
  • Setup: similar to HTTP servers, configure the FTP server to host the files for distribution.
  • Usage: users can access the FTP server using FTP clients such as ftp or graphical FTP clients.

When creating a mirror, consider the specific needs of the content you are mirroring and choose the appropriate server type accordingly. Additionally, ensure that your mirroring process includes regular synchronization with the upstream source to keep the mirror up to date.

Athena OS Mirrors

At the beginning, Arch-based Athena OS synchronized mirrors by git protocol but it was not suitable for package mirroring for the nature of git usage. One suitable option to consider has been rsync protocol.


  1. Efficiency: Rsync is designed for efficient file synchronization. It only transfers the differences between files, making it bandwidth-friendly and quick.
  2. Ease of Use: Rsync is straightforward to set up and use. It’s a common choice for mirroring tasks and is widely supported.
  3. Network Usage: Rsync is generally more bandwidth-efficient, as it only transfers the parts of files that have changed.
  4. Incremental Updates: Rsync excels at incremental updates, ensuring that only the changes are transferred, saving time and resources.


  1. Versioning: Git provides versioning, allowing you to track changes over time. This can be beneficial if you need to audit or understand the history of the repository.
  2. Ease of Collaboration: Git is a distributed version control system, which can be advantageous if you have multiple contributors or if you want to collaborate with others on managing the mirrored repository.
  3. Branching and Merging: Git supports branching and merging, enabling you to experiment with changes before applying them to the main repository.
  4. Granular Control: Git provides more granular control over what parts of the repository you want to mirror. You can clone specific branches or tags, which can be useful for selectively mirroring only the components you need.

Considerations Rsync vs. Git

Type of Repository

  • Rsync: best for simple mirroring tasks where you just need the latest version of files.
  • Git: useful for scenarios where versioning, collaboration, and granular control are important.


  • Rsync: generally more bandwidth-efficient.
  • Git: can consume more bandwidth, especially if you need the entire version history.


  • Rsync: simple and effective for basic mirroring tasks.
  • Git: adds complexity, but offers powerful version control features.


  • Rsync: requires less storage space as it only transfers differences.
  • Git: can consume more storage space, especially if you mirror the entire version history.

In conclusion, rsync is often the more straightforward and bandwidth-friendly choice. If versioning, collaboration, and granular control are important, git may be a better fit. So, for a package repository, rsync should be the most suitable choice.

Setting up a mirror server

The purpose of this guide is to set a mirror for Athena OS ISO images and Athena Arch packages. In Athena Nix there is no need to mirror packages because package mirror system is not used on Nix environment.

It is assumed that you own a server (i.e., you subscribed a VPS (Virtual Private Server) service) complying the specified requirements.


  • CPU: >= 4 cores
  • RAM: >= 8 GB
  • Storage: the Athena repository size is around 5 GB, so you can set at least x3 repository size as server storage
  • Bandwidth: >= 1 Gbps
  • Operating System: Arch Linux, Debian, Ubuntu (or any Linux distro you wish)
  • Backup: snapshots at regular interval
  • Performance optimization: CDN, caching, compression
  • Monitoring: centralized monitoring system of mirrors to check server resources and ensure reliability
  • Dependencies: rsync, cron, nginx, certbot
  • Protocol used for mirroring: rsync
  • Protocol used to expose mirror server to the final users: HTTP/HTTPS
  • Mirroring synchronization strategy: Pull
  • Sync Time: <= 6 hours

Setting up

Create a dedicated account for mirroring process named, as example, rsyncuser.

Terminal window
sudo useradd -m -d /var/lib/rsync -s /usr/sbin/nologin rsyncuser

The user will be created with disabled password meaning that it cannot be accessed by a password.

Create directories storing mirrored files and set the created user as owner.

Terminal window
sudo mkdir -p /srv/mirrors/athena{,-images}
sudo chown -R rsyncuser:rsyncuser /srv/mirrors/athena
sudo chown -R rsyncuser:rsyncuser /srv/mirrors/athena-images

Configure and enable the rsync daemon by:

Terminal window
sudo sed -i -e "s/RSYNC_ENABLE=false/RSYNC_ENABLE=true/" /etc/default/rsync &> /dev/null || echo "RSYNC_ENABLE=true" | sudo tee -a /etc/default/rsync

Create or edit the /etc/rsyncd.conf file by using the following content:

uid = rsyncuser
gid = rsyncuser
use chroot = yes
max connections = 25
socket options = SO_KEEPALIVE
path = /srv/mirrors/athena
comment = The Athena Hub
read only = true
path = /srv/mirrors/athena-images
comment = The Athena ISO images
read only = true

Finally, run the rsync service:

Terminal window
sudo service rsync start

To keep your mirror up-to-date, you should regularly sync with the Athena OS repositories. First, enable cron service:

Terminal window
sudo service cron start

Open your crontab configuration:

Terminal window
sudo crontab -e

Add a line to run the sync at your preferred interval. For example, to sync every hour:

0 */1 * * * rsync -avzzlr --delete rsync:// /srv/mirrors/athena
0 */1 * * * rsync -avzzlr --delete rsync:// /srv/mirrors/athena-images


  • -a: preserve attributes like file permissions, timestamps, and others.
  • -v: verbose mode.
  • -zz: enable compression during data transfer.
  • -l: copy symlinks instead of copying files they refer to.
  • -r: copy contents of the source directory recursively.
  • —delete: delete any files or directories in the destination that do not exist in the source. It ensures that the destination is an exact mirror of the source.

Make HTTP mirror server

It is important to make the mirror server available to the public so that users can retrieve ISO images and packages by the package manager. It is possible to reach this purpose by making it a HTTP/HTTPS or FTP server.

To expose the mirror server by HTTP, you can use Nginx.

Create /etc/nginx/sites-available/athenamirror with the following content:

server {
listen 80;
location / {
root /srv/mirrors;
index index.html;
autoindex on;

Note that there is no need to create a index.html file.

Replace by your mirror domain.

Create the following symbolic link:

Terminal window
sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/athenamirror /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/

and remove the Nginx configuration:

Terminal window
sudo rm /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default

Test the Nginx configuration:

Terminal window
sudo nginx -t

If you don’t get any error, start nginx service:

Terminal window
sudo service nginx start

Finally, on your Athena OS or Arch Linux environment, you can test it on your test Athena OS client by adding your mirror in /etc/pacman.d/athena-mirrorlist by:

Server =$repo/$arch

Make HTTPS mirror server

Make sure to have completed all the steps in the previous section.

A SSL certificate is needed and it can be obtained by a free service like Let’s Encrypt.

Install the certbot plugin for Nginx:

Terminal window
sudo pacman -S certbot-nginx

Run Certbot to obtain a certificate. Replace by your actual domain:

Terminal window
sudo certbot --nginx -d

Follow the prompts to complete the certificate installation. Certbot will automatically configure Nginx to use the obtained certificate.

After obtaining the certificate, Certbot will automatically update your Nginx configuration to use HTTPS. If, for any reason, this doesn’t happen, you can manually edit /etc/nginx/sites-available/athenamirror by:

server {
location / {
root /srv/mirrors;
index index.html;
autoindex on;
listen 443 ssl; # managed by Certbot
ssl_certificate /etc/letsencrypt/live/; # managed by Certbot
ssl_certificate_key /etc/letsencrypt/live/; # managed by Certbot
include /etc/letsencrypt/options-ssl-nginx.conf; # managed by Certbot
ssl_dhparam /etc/letsencrypt/ssl-dhparams.pem; # managed by Certbot
server {
if ($host = {
return 301 https://$host$request_uri;
} # managed by Certbot
listen 80;
return 404; # managed by Certbot

Make sure to replace with your actual domain. Save the file.

Test the Nginx configuration:

Terminal window
sudo nginx -t

If you don’t get any error, start nginx service:

Terminal window
sudo service nginx start

Certbot will automatically renew your SSL certificate before it expires. You can test the renewal process with:

Terminal window
sudo certbot renew --dry-run

Finally, on your Athena OS or Arch Linux environment, you can test it on your test Athena OS client by adding your mirror in /etc/pacman.d/athena-mirrorlist by:

Server =$repo/os/$arch

Firewall Setting

If your network is restricted, ensure that the following connections are allowed:

ProtocolPortDomain NameIP Address


Finally, to be deployed to all users, your mirror must be added communicated to Athena OS Team in order to be added in the official Athena OS mirrorlist.

Send the following information to

  • public hostname
  • scheduled sync time
  • email to inform you in case we make changes on mirroring design

Once Athena OS Team accepts your request, you will be informed your mirror has been added on Athena OS mirrorlist.